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Month: February 2012

Capital Improvement Projects






From the Office of

Council Member Mike Sullivan


District E (south) CIP Meeting


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 15, 2012)

CONTACT:  Allie VanDeventer (832.393.3008)

Council Member Mike Sullivan is hosting a Capital Improvement Project Meeting on Monday,  February 27, 2012 at University of Houston- Clear Lake located 2700 Bay Area Boulevard , 77058.  The meeting will be held in the Bayou Building-  Forest Room.  Sign in will begin at 6:00 pm, with the CIP presentation beginning promptly at 6:30 pm.

Council Member Sullivan welcomes residents of District D (South Belt-Ellington area) to attend.  This area was formerly represented by Council Member Sullivan as a portion of District E, however it was lost in redistricting, effective January 2012.

Please join us as representatives from various City of Houston Departments present upcoming projects for District E and the South Belt-Ellington portion of District D.  A question and answer session will then follow, allowing constituents an opportunity for input in the process.

Council Member Sullivan encourages residents to attend and show their support for upcoming projects scheduled in their respective communities.  “These annual CIP meetings give residents the forum to voice their thoughts and ideas on current and future CIP Projects,” says Sullivan.

“It is also a great time for citizens to see their local government hard at work, and see how their tax dollars are being spent.”

CIP requests will be accepted through the City of Houston’s 311 Service Help Line.

For more information and specific details about the Capital Improvement Projects in your area and to see a draft of the Rebuild Houston ten-year plan please visit:

Please contact Council Member Mike Sullivan’s office at 832.393.3008 or by email at if you have any questions.

Petrologistics Plant Update

We unfortunately had another plant trip this afternoon about 4:45 pm.  Some work was being done on a motor starter for one of our large air compressors.  While attempting to start the compressor a voltage dip occurred and tripped out the waste heat boiler and several other pieces of equipment.  We will be flaring some as we recover and stabilize the plant for restart on days tomorrow.  Once we get an investigation completed I will share what happened and the corrective action we will take to prevent it from happening again.  I apologize for the inconvenience we may be causing our neighbors.   If you have any questions please let me know.


John Parkinson

VP Operations


9822 La Porte Freeway

Houston, Texas 77017