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Month: September 2014

City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering – For Immediate Release



September 22, 2014 

Contact: Lauren Laake

(832) 393-3008

City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering

Public Utility Division Performs Water Quality Maintenance Flushing

Houston, TX – The City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering Public Utilities Division Drinking Water Operations Branch will temporarily modify the disinfection process used in some areas of City Council District E served by the Southeast Water Purification Plant.

Typically, chlorine in combination with ammonia (chloramination) is used for water system disinfection. Starting September 29, 2014 and through all of October 2014, the PWE will be using chlorine without the ammonia. This use of this temporary change to free chlorine disinfection and increased flushing is to maintain the condition of distribution piping to help ensure the continued delivery of superior quality drinking water to customers. The areas served by this plant include the zip codes: 77034, 77058, 77059, 77062, 77075, 77089, 77504, 77546, and 77598.

Customers may notice a slight chlorine taste or odor in the tap water for a short period during the change. The water is safe to drink, to use for cooking, to bathe in and for other everyday uses. During this period, Public Works and Engineering will sample and test the water to monitor the effectiveness of the temporary modification. Once the disinfection process is complete, PWE will return to the chloramination of water.

This temporary change in the treatment process is performed in accordance with State and Federal drinking water regulations. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), which regulates water quality, has approved this method for routine maintenance of potable water distribution systems.

Users of home kidney dialysis machines, owners of tropical fish aquariums and managers of stores and restaurants with fish and shellfish holding tanks are advised that the methods for testing and removing free chlorine residuals differ from those used for chloramine residuals. Both types of residuals if not handled properly may affect users of kidney dialysis machines, as well as fish and other aquatic animals. PWE encourages customers who may be affected by this change to seek advice from professionals.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please call 311 or email


Sept. 13, 2014 – Civic Club Meeting



10:15am               Introduction by Pres. Michelle Miranda

Introduced all the officers present and Thank each one for their time and interest.

10:20am               TPC – Sara Cronin

TPC has been around since 1942 and has contributed 7 million dollars within our surrounding communities and OFA little league that is located within our neighborhood.

Sara Cronin then spoke of the C.A.E.R Line and informed the members that for any concerns they would have they can call the number and a recorded message is provided to all listeners.  A member asked if it were possible to have a call generated to call out a list of numbers and Sara said that it was being looked into as well.

10:40am               TPC Group -Robert Parnell

Spoke of the Phoenix Operation that begun in 2011 within the plant facility and explained in detail what is was about and how they have worked diligently with the HPD officials to survey and minimize the commute that begins in the morning and afternoons.  Hours of shuttle to begin at 6:50am-8:30am – 3:30-5:30pm.

11:00am               HPD – Jason Cisneros

Spoke about the burglaries and illegal parking in the area.  Members addressed their concerns and had questions. He also spoke about NNO and stated that we were part of the top 2 and that we are right along with Idlewood Community.  He thanked us on behalf of the department for our interest in being involved and alert with the crime in our area.

11:25 am              D.O.N – Pam Wiley

Spoke about Heavy Trash pickup and what it means when you see a yellow placard in the yard.  She informed us of how many times a violation can be ticketed and when it is reported and generated through the system she also attaches a photo to the file.

Members had time for Q & A


11:45am               Michelle – President  

Last meeting minutes were read and a vote was taken at the last meeting to amend the By-Laws and chairperson term and it has been voted to change the term to no expiration. As long as the chairperson is adequately providing the task necessary then he/she may continue for the best interest of the club and community. A chairperson can resign or be removed if they are not meeting the requirements necessary to fulfill their duties. Yvette Hernandez is interested in the Vice President position and introduced herself and members accepted her motion.

Treasure report was discussed and viewed where all the monies were going into. And also informed the bank has changed from Metro Bank to EastEnd Bank and they are now charging a $10 service fee. It also shows the expense to website and events. A vote was taken to continue to sponsor NNO with the entertainment and food with the members contributing all side dishes.  Everyone approved the expense of such an event. All in favor and approved by 32 members who were present. Halloween event was approved for continuing to participate at the park with booth rentals or they may bring their own tables and pass out candy there instead of the door knocking. Abandon lots were discussed and Luis, owner of the gym stated that he was able to get John Deer company to loan him a tractor to mow the empty lot located off of 1003 Ahrens.  I also thank the 5 members who have helped with the mowing and clean up that were done at 5 different addresses this summer.

Breakfast Tacos and coffee were served.  Meeting adjourned at 12Noom.



TPC Group Operations Update – (Spanish) 09/11/14

Septiembre 11, 2014


Estimado Vecino:


TPC Group pone un valor significativo en la oportunidad para compartir información con nuestros vecinos, tener un diálogo abierto con nuestros vecinos, y recibir retroalimentación de nuestros vecinos para asegurar que nuestras operaciones tienen un impacto positivo en la comunidad donde vivimos, trabajamos y criamos a nuestra familia. En el espíritu de compartir información, queremos informarles sobre el proyecto de expansión. Se les comunicó el principio de este proyecto en Octubre de 2010, y ahora les comunicamos lo siguiente.

En aquel momento, TPC Group notificó a los vecinos que la Empresa había solicitado una modificación del permiso de emisiones de aire para el proyecto de expansión previsto para la instalación de nueva unidad en Houston, ubicado en Park Place Boulevard. El permiso fue recibido en Junio de 2011 y la construcción se inició poco después. Desde entonces, hemos proporcionado las actualizaciones regulares sobre el proyecto, incluyendo la actividad y progreso de la construcción, y planes de tráfico.

Tenemos el agrado de informarle que estamos a punto de terminar la construcción del proyecto de expansión  y comenzar las fases que es la marcha y arranque. Durante el transcurso de este proyecto, TPC Group empleo 971 contratistas adicionales,  trabajando más de 2,300,000 de horas desde el principio del proyecto, y ha logrado una “World Class” tasa TRIR de 0.17 en términos de seguridad rendimiento.

Al final de la construcción de la nueva unidad, que utilizaron los mejores controles y tecnología disponible, TPC tendrá la capacidad de atender a las demandas internacionales de la producción de éter metil butilo terciario (MTBE) y éter butílico terciario etílico (ETBE)  satisfacer la demanda interna de la producción de isobutileno.

A principios de Septiembre, empezaran las revisiones de la unidad, siguiendo la fase de marcha y arranque. Esto requerirá actividades  que posiblemente sean visible y audibles a nuestros vecinos. Por lo tanto, como nuestro vecino, queremos asegurarnos de que usted sepa qué, se puede esperar durante el proceso y actividades.

Estas actividades continuaran en marcha hasta que el proyecto esté listo para el arranque. Parte de la revisión, es verificar que el equipo instalado esté funcionando como es diseñado. Estas actividades incluyen la verificación de que cada componente funcione correctamente, elabora y pone a prueba toda la tubería y equipo para asegurar su integridad y la disponibilidad para el servicio. Los procedimientos detallados se utilizan durante la puesta en marcha para asegurar que la planta está lista para el inicio. Actividades de puesta en marcha están previstas para ser completa a principios de Noviembre. Una vez que actividades de puesta en marcha se ha completado, a continuación, la fase el arranque del proyecto se iniciaría a mediados de Noviembre.

La seguridad de nuestros vecinos, nuestros empleados y el medio ambiente es de suma importancia para nuestra Empresa. La protección de nuestros grupos de interés es fundamental para mantener lo requerido de excelencia que nos esforzamos por lograr cada día. Es nuestro compromiso de estar a su disposición en caso de tener alguna pregunta, comentario o inquietud con respecto a este proyecto.

TPC Group proporcionará notificaciones de cortesía para nuestros vecinos de actividades de la planta que pueden afectar directamente a la comunidad como resultado de  las fases de puesta en marcha y arranque de la unidad mediante el uso de la Community Awareness and Emergency Response (CAER) línea al 281-476-2237. Además, si usted no se ha inscrito para recibir correos electrónicos de TPC Group, y quisiera, por favor visite TPC Group en el internet y unirse a la lista de correo: Join Mailing List.




Tony Wisenbaker                                                                Sara Cronin
Plant Manager                                                                    Director, Corporate Communications
713-740-4238                                                                    713.475.5243

TPC Group Operations Update – 09/11/14


Dec 31, 1969
TPC Group Operations Update – 091114

September 11, 2014 

Dear Neighbor:


TPC Group places significant value on the opportunity we have to share information with our neighbors, have open dialogue, and receive feedback to ensure our operations have limited impact on the community where we live, work and raise our families. In the spirit of information sharing, we want to update you on the expansion project we first communicated about in October 2010.

At that time, TPC Group notified its neighbors that the Company had applied for an air emissions permit amendment required for a capital expansion project slated for the Houston facility, located on Park Place Boulevard. The permit was received in June 2011 and construction began shortly thereafter. Since then, we have provided regular updates on the project, including construction activity and progress, traffic plans and improvements made along the way.

We are pleased to tell you we are nearing construction completion and beginning the commissioning and startup phases of the project. During the course of this project, TPC Group has had up to an additional 970 contractors on site, working more than 2,300,000 man-hours since the beginning of the project, and has achieved a “World Class” TRIR rate of 0.17 in terms of safety performance.

Upon completion of the unit, which utilizes best available controls and technology, TPC will serve international demands with the production of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) and fulfill internal raw material supply needs by producing isobutylene.

In early September, we will begin commissioning of the unit and enter into the startup phase. This will require activity that may be visible or audible to those surrounding the facility. Therefore, as our neighbor, we want to make sure you know what to expect during this process.

Commissioning activities will continue until the project is ready for start-up. Commissioning verifies that the equipment is installed and functions as it was designed. These activities include verifying that every component functions properly, prepares and tests all of the piping and equipment to ensure its integrity and readiness for service.  Detailed procedures are used during commissioning to ensure that the plant is ready for startup. Commissioning activities are scheduled to be complete by early November. Once commissioning is completed, then the startup phase of the project would begin in mid-November.

The safety of our neighbors, our employees and the environment is of utmost concern to our Company.  The protection of our stakeholders is critical to maintaining the standards of excellence we strive to achieve each day.  It is our commitment to be available to you should you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this project.

TPC Group will provide courtesy notifications for our neighbors on any plant activities that may directly impact the community as a result of the commissioning and startup of the unit by using the Community Awareness Emergency Response (CAER) line at 281-476-2237. Additionally, if you have not signed up to receive e-mails from TPC Group, and would like to, please visit TPC Group on line and Join Mailing List.




Tony Wisenbaker                                                              Sara Cronin, APR
Plant Manager                                                                   Director, Corporate Communications
713-740-4238                                                                  713.475.5243

Civic Club Meeting – Sat. Sept. 13th

         Jan.2012- Election Day


   Rucker Elem. at 10 am


    Topics to be discussed:                      

  • Revised By – Laws   
  • Permits
  • National Nite Out
  • Abandon Lots 

           Guest Speakers:

  • TPC – Group
  • D. O. N
  • H. P. D