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What is the CAER Line?


The CAER Line is a telephone system that can be used to get information regarding plant activities.

The CAER Line telephone number is 281-476-CAER (2237).

The phone line is divided into two sections: emergency messages and non-emergency messages.  You will be given the opportunity to choose the section you wish to hear.

Remember, the CAER Line is used to communicate emergency information and non-emergency information such as fire training or alarm testing.  If you do not hear the information in the emergency section, check the non-emergency information.  Perhaps the smoke you see is an area business conducting fire training and not an actual emergency.

When calling the CAER Line, you may hear the following:

  • Emergency information about industrial facility incidents or transportation incidents involving a rail car, tanker truck, pipeline, or marine vessel that may require public protective action.
  • General information about flaring, smoke, noise, nuisance odors, drills, firefighting training or minor incidents not requiring public protective action.
  • Shelter-in-place instructions

Q: What’s the purpose of the CAER Line?

A: To provide information about emergency incidents or non-emergency events that may cause community awareness or concern in the eastern portion of Harris County, Texas.

Q: Who can post recorded messages onto the CAER Line?

A: Trained personnel of participating private sector industrial companies (such as oil refineries, chemical plants, storage terminals) and city/county agencies (such as police/fire dispatch or emergency management officials). Industry facilities do not have to be EHCMA members.

Q: What kinds of messages are posted on the CAER Line?

A: Emergency messages about explosions, fires, and/or chemical releases that may potentially cause off-site impact – especially if it is to the community; General Information messages about non-emergency events such as firefighter training, drills, or flaring.

Q: How quickly are messages posted on the CAER Line?

A: Agency and private sector industry officials try to post at least an initial notification message within 15 minutes of an incident or event that may cause community concern.

Q: What telephone number do I call?

A: You can call 281-476-CAER (2237) to listen to any current CAER Line messages (both Emergency & General Information).