Our mtg was called to order by President Jesus Gonzalez at 940am. Introductions were given by those in attendance, MG, JG, TG, NF, RS and Ms. Melissa Arce joined the officers in attendance as our new person for website updates.
MG stated that our main goal for 2024 was to keep our community in
order and continue with CC to run smoothly, including committees for beautification – socialization – website – and communication to residents.
The expense audit of 2023 was produced by Treasurer Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Norma Flores.
MG mentioned that the two expenses paid from TPC for the website of OMCC and Invista’s payment for the sign printing needed to be documented in Expense Report since they were paid direct to website organizer and Printer.
RS noted that the report also needed to document what the payments were used for on report.
NF advised that she will put all info on members in an Excel spreadsheet.
Topics also discussed were speak to Capt/HPD and Lt over evening shift about visible patrol prior to July 4th, reach out to Judge about community service workers and touch base with Incarnate Word church on community service workers. MG also mentioned that she has spoke with Principal Rucker School about holding CC mtgs at school.
At the upcoming meeting, there will be nomination and voting on officers.
Suggested speakers were 1. Officer Silva HPD to cover gun shots, fireworks, HT violations and drug dealing homes; 2. CM Flickinger’s office representative Yasmin Perez to cover park soccer field goals and markings, removal of NLT signs and possibility of traffic light; & 3. Constable Garcia.
Meeting adjourned at 1035am
Minutes taken and prepared by Secretary, RS.