Author: Michelle
Oak Meadow Panel Board
- Jesus G. – President
- Michelle G. – Vice President
- Therese G. – Treasurer
- Secretary – Rita Snow
- Auditor Treasurer: Norma F.
- Sergio M., Hernan A. and Paul T. – Architectural and Review Committee
- Cathy C.- Deed Restriction Committee
- Marco V. – IT/Website
Membership is non- mandatory and all dues are voluntary. Being a member brings many advantages to our community such as voting for change, projects, business support and advice and may include networking opportunities! We urge you to become a member and make your voice count!
Dear Member,
Active neighborhood civic clubs play an important role in maintaining the quality and attractiveness of their surroundings. This serves as a sounding voice which amplifies the matters of community betterment. It aids the processes of democracy, providing means for neighbors to communicate at the most effective neighborhood level. The end goal of these efforts, frankly, is to develop a total community of informed, responsible and productive active individual citizens.
In more detail, the principal objectives of such a civic organization generally fit into four categories:
Environmental – Enforce such restrictive covenants as have been established and are in force for control of land use within our subdivision. This may involve surveillance, persuasion, and if necessary, proceedings of the law.
Social – Develop and administer continuing programs for our neighborhood beautification of both private properties and such public spaces as park, parkways, drainage systems, etc., to keep residents informed of mutual interests and concerns.
Communication – Facilitate communications between governmental agencies and citizens. Provide non biased information as to issues of local importance.
Deed Restrictions – Are restrictive covenants to obtain compliance with the land that is, restrictions on use of the property which pass automatically from seller to buyer or renter. Restrictions are enforced for protecting residential property against damaging influences.
We are a non-profit organization formed by residents of a platted subdivision. As you may know, the club had been inactive for quite some time now and has been active since November 2009.
Thank you for your participation and contribution in becoming a member of the Civic Club.
Querido miembro,
El club civico de una colonia es muy importante para mantener la calidad de vida y lo atractivo de los alrededores. Esto sirve como la vos que amplifica el mejoramiento de la comunidad. Ayuda al proceso de la democracia y da ayuda a tus vesinos para que puedan conectarse de la major manera con toda la colonia. El fin de este esfuerso, sincermente, es para desarrollar una comunidad que este bien informada que se hace responsable de su area y que se hagan unos vecinos productivos para su comunidad.
En mas detalle, los objetivos principales de un club civico se dividen en cuatro categorias:
Medioambiente– Imponga los convenios restrintivos que han sido establecidos y los cuales estan en vigor para el control del uso de la propiedad dentro de nuestra colonia.
Social– Desarrolle y administre programas seguidos para el mejoramiento de la colonia para ambas propiedades publicas y privadas, como parques, avenidas, sistemas del drenaje, etc. asi mantiene a los residentes informados de los intereses mutuos.
Comunicacion– Facilite comunicacion entre las agencias gubernamentales y la comunidad. Provea informacion imparcial acerca de las cuestiones de importancia local.
Restricciones a la Propiedad– Son convenios restrictivos que son ejecutados para que se siguan las reglas de la propiedad, las restricciones a la propiedad las cuales son pasadas de dueno a dueno o de vendedor a comprador. Las restricciones son seguidas para protejer las propiedades residenciales en contra de las influencias que danan.
Somos una organisacion no lucrativa formada por residentes de esta colonia. Como usted sabra, el club civico estuvo inactivo por mucho tiempo pero desde el 2009 ha sido reactivado.
Gracias por su participacion y contribucion y por hacerse miembro del Club Civico.
Respectfully Yours,
Oak Meadow Civic Club