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Author: Michelle

Water break? Report 311

Following streets have water breaks that have not been reported since the physical address is not visible. Please call 3-1-1

Choate – not reported

Ogilvie – 700 block reported

Axilda – 900 block reported

El Buey – not reported

City Council Information

The City Council is the City’s legislative body, with the power to enact and enforce all ordinances and resolutions. Eleven Council Members are elected from districts and five are elected at-large, by all voters of the City.

The sixteen members of Council, along with the Mayor, act only by ordinance, resolution or motion. They adopt and may alter the annual budget and confirm the Mayor’s appointments. Council is responsible for the appropriation and issuance of bonds, the awarding of contracts and the approval of City expenditures over $50,000. Council may lease or dispose of the City’s real estate and may levy assessments against property. Council determines its own rules of procedure, and its meetings are open to the public.

Sixteen Council Members are elected every two years, in odd-numbered years. Council Members are limited to serving three terms of two years each, with each term beginning on January 2 of the even-numbered year. Five Council Members are elected At-Large, or city-wide, while the other eleven are elected to geographic districts of roughly the same proportion of population.

You can write to your Council Member at: 900 Bagby / City Hall Annex / First Floor / Houston, TX 77002.


freedom over texas 2015


The Mayor’s Official 4th of July Celebration has been a six hour event of festivities and tradition in Houston, for decades. Located in the newly renovated Eleanor Tinsley Park on Buffalo Bayou, it has become Houston’s signature annual Independence Day celebration and attracts nationally recognized recording artists as well as regional and local talent. More info at

Saturday, July 4, 2015 – 4:00pm
Eleanor Tinsley Park, along Buffalo Bayou
Calendar Type:
Houston Events

July is “Tree Waste” – First Monday of the month

“Tree Waste” is defined as “clean” wood waste such as tree limbs, branches, and stumps. Lumber, furniture, and treated wood will NOT be accepted. 

Heavy Trash is the first Monday of the month which is March 2nd

Junk Waste may NOT be placed for collection during a Tree Waste month.

Tree Waste months are January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Fatal accident shuts down Hwy 225 in both directions

A heavy truck accident caused a HazMat spill and forces authorities to shut down all lanes in both directs of Highway 225. <span class=meta>KTRK/Photo</span>

Highway 225 is shut down in both directions between Allen Genoa and Goodyear due to a heavy truck accident and Hazmat spill.
According to TranStar, the accident was verified just after 1pm.

A heavy truck accident caused a HazMat spill and forces authorities to shut down all lanes in both directs of Highway 225. KTRK/Photo
SkyEye HD was over the scene as crews doused the rig with water and brought in the Jaws of Life to pry the front windshield open. A victim was pulled from the truck but didn’t survive. The identity of the driver has not been released.

The Texas Department of Transportation says the 18-wheeler hit a natural gas line, which is leaking vapor. Contractors are on the scene trying to cap the leak.


Highway 225 shut down in both directions between Allen Genoa and Goodyear

Highway 225 shut down in both directions between Allen Genoa and Goodyear

Highway 225 is shut down in both directions between Allen Genoa and Goodyear due to a heavy truck accident and Hazmat spill.
According to TranStar, the accident was verified just after 1pm.
SkyEye HD was over the scene as crews doused the rig with water and brought in the Jaws of Life to pry the front windshield open. A victim was pulled from the truck and placed on a gurney. We don’t know that person’s condition.

We’ll post more details as we get them.


Tropical System Expected to Impact Houston | Take Steps to Prepare

Register for federal disaster assistance at

You can also register by phone

6am – 9pm CST daily
TTY: 1-800-462-7585
Video Relay Service (VRS):1-800-621-3362

The City of Houston is monitoring the potential for the formation of a tropical depression or storm that may begin impacting the city Monday evening.
A low pressure system has formed near the Yucatan peninsula, and the National Hurricane Center has indicated that the potential track includes the greater Houston area.
The main threats from this storm system will be very heavy rain, and the possibility of tropical-storm force winds and tornadoes.  Based on current forecasts, the City of Houston can expect impacts to begin Monday evening and continue for the next few days.

Actions to Take

Houstonians should begin preparing now for the potential of heavy rain, wind and power outages as this system begins tracking towards the city. Begin taking the following steps to be prepared for this storm:
  • Gather supplies to be able to comfortably be in your home for 3-5 days. This includes water, food, flashlights, and other necessities.  Download a full list from the City of Houston Disaster Preparedness Guide.
  • Begin removing outdoor items which may be picked up in heavy wind and securing them as appropriate
  • Make sure you have a way to stay informed in the event power goes out.  This may include a NOAA Weather Radio, or a battery-powered radio or television.
  • Communicate with your family about what you will do in the event heavy rain separates you.
  • Communicate with your employer ahead of time in the event heavy rain and flooding keeps you from being able to report to work over the next few days.
  • Check on elderly or disabled friends and neighbors to make sure they have what they need in the event this storm impacts Houston.

Because grounds are already saturated due to recent rains, any additional rainfall will most likely cause flooding. Stay away from bayous, streams and creeks, and please avoid driving during, or immediately following periods of heavy rain.  As you plan for travel and activities over the next few days, be sure to take into account the potential impacts from this storm.

Be sure to follow official sources of information on social media, as well as pay attention to local television and radio forecasts.  Information will be available from the City of Houston as and on official City of Houston Social Media Channels.

Separating Your Debris & Frequently Asked Questions on Debris

Separating Your Debris & Frequently Asked Questions on Debris










FAQs for Debris Placement & Collection

  1. My home was damaged or received water during the recent flooding and storms. What steps should I take to handle the damages and the debris?
    1. First, you should contact your insurance company to file a claim.
    2. You should also document your property damage(s) by taking photographs.
    3. You should contact the Houston 311 customer center to notify the city of your damage(s). This will help identify your address and area as needing debris collection service.
  2. Is there a particular manner that my debris should be placed at the curb?
    1. Yes, debris should be segregated as follows and placed away from any obstruction/impediments (mailboxes, fire hydrants, water meters, etc.):
      1. Normal household trash goes in your black garbage container.  It will be collected by the City on your normal garbage service day.
      2. Vegetative Debris (Logs and Trees) should be place separately in a stacked pile. Limbs/trunks and branches should be cut to 36” lengths.
      3. Construction & Demolition Material should be place in its own pile.  This type of debris includes building materials, carpet/padding, furniture, treated lumber, mattresses, etc.
      4. White Goods (Appliances) should be placed separately and their doors secured with tape (to protect kids).  White goods include refrigerators, freezers, stoves, washers, dryers and water heaters.
      5. v. Electronics should be placed together. E-waste includes computers, stereos, televisions or other items with a cord.
      6. vi. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) should be placed together. HHW includes batteries, oils, lawn chemicals, pesticides and cleaning supplies.
    2. Further information and instruction for debris placement can be found at, or the Solid Waste Management Department’s Facebook page.
  3. My garbage/yard waste/Recycling was not collected due to the storm. When will the city return?
    1. Monday and Tuesday garbage that was not collected will occur on their regularly scheduled days next week beginning June 1.
    2. Missed yard waste will be collected on its regularly scheduled day next week beginning June 1.
    3. Missed recycling will be picked up on its next schedule recycling collection date.
  4. Are Neighborhood Depositories sites available to me if I’d like to get rid of my own debris or uncollected recycling?
    1. Yes. Any Houston resident can use a Neighborhood Depository & Recycling Center. Effective Monday, June 1, 2015, the depository sites will be open 7 days per week. A notice of the effective date of the extra days is forthcoming.
    2. Residents who use the depositories simply need to show an ID and utility bill for service.
  5. Is there somewhere I can take my HHW if I don’t want to wait for City crews to come by for collection?
    1. Yes. Any City of Houston resident can take HHW to the City’s Environmental Service Center at 11500 South Post Oak. HHW can be dropped off every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The center also receives HHW on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Should there be a need; the hours may be increased to accommodate the demand for service.
  6. When will the City begin debris collection operations?
    1. Collections will begin as soon as the City’s plans are accepted by the State Department of Emergency Management. Typically, debris operations begin after the receipt of a disaster declaration by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). A request for the disaster declaration has been made to FEMA by the Governor’s office.
  7. My container floated away during the flood period. How do I get another one?
    1. Please contact 311 to report your lost container. The department will deliver a replacement within 5 – 7 business days.
  8. I live in an apartment complex and was flooded. What should I do with my debris?
    1. As this is a commercial property, it is the responsibility of your owner/management company to make provisions for the collection and removal of debris.
  9. My business flooded, what should I do?
    1. You should contact your insurance agent and file a claim for remediation. A part of your claim would include any debris demolition and removal.

Debris Separation

Separate debris into the six categories listed below.

Do Not Stack or Lean

Placing debris near or on trees, poles or other structures makes removal difficult. This includes fire hydrants and meters.

Unsure Where to Place Debris?

If you don’t have a sidewalk, ditch or utility line in front of your house, place debris at the edge of your property before the curb.

Unsure Where to Park Your Car?

Solid Waste Management is asking for the public’s cooperation in keeping cars away from garbage and debris so we can provide the safest and most efficient service possible.

No Pickup Zone

Any debris placed from the sidewalk toward your property will not be picked up.



Normal Household Trash

Normal household trash and bagged debris of any kind will not be picked up with debris as part of this program. You should continue to follow your normal garbage removal schedule.

Vegetative Debris
  • Leaves (do not put in bags)
  • Logs
  • Plants
  • Tree branches
Construction & Demolition Debris
  • Building materials
  • Carpet
  • Drywall
  • Furniture
  • Lumber
  • Mattresses
  • Plumbing
Appliances & White Goods
  • Air conditioners
  • Dishwashers
  • Freezers
  • Refrigerators
  • Stoves
  • Washers, dryers
  • Water heaters
  • Computers
  • Radios
  • Stereos
  • Televisions
  • Other devices with a cord
Household Hazardous Waste
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Batteries
  • Lawn chemicals
  • Oils
  • Oil-based paints and stains
  • Pesticides



Eastside PIP Meeting







Mark your calendar for our monthly Eastside P.I.P. meeting on Monday, June 15.  The meeting begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at the HPD Eastside Station located at 7525 Sherman.

With hurricane season upon us, our invited guest speaker is Liz Shuler, from the City of Houston Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) unit.  Please invite your neighbors to join in this informative meeting and receive the latest updates on emergency preparedness. 
We look forward to seeing you on June 15.

Ramiro Fonseca
HPD Eastside P.I.P. President/Chair