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Beautification Efforts

Short Segment Project Update

Dear Residents,

Part of the curb line along the street on Ahrens St. at Oak Meadows Park was damaged by the short segment water line project, which is now allowing dirt and debris to flow into the street when it rains. Grass was never replaced during restoration and this project left the area in a worse condition than it was prior.

The good news are that the curb will be fixed by the end of the month and the grass will be replaced.

Tree and Junk Waste

Tree and Junk Waste Program

Remember your ODDS and EVENS

Residents may dispose of their Tree Waste and Junk Waste at their curbside. Tree Waste is collected during ODD numbered months and Junk Waste is collected during EVEN numbered months. This method of collecting large waste comes with the benefits of diverting materials that can be recycled from landfills, saving landfill space and valuable tax dollars.

Tree Waste

“Tree Waste” is defined as “clean” wood waste such as tree limbs, branches, and stumps. Lumber, furniture, and treated wood will NOT be accepted.

Junk Waste may NOT be placed for collection during a Tree Waste month.

Tree Waste months are January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Junk Waste

“Junk Waste” is defined as items such as furniture, appliances, and other bulky material.

Tree Waste is accepted during Junk Waste Months; however, to ensure your Tree Waste is recycled, you may hold your tree waste materials until the next Tree Waste designated month or take it to a Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Center.

Junk Waste months are February, April, June, August, October and December

Residents who wish to dispose of Tree Waste or Junk Waste before their scheduled once-per-month collection may use one of six Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers. Visit the Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Center web page herefor more information or call 3-1-1.

Tires: Residents may place up to 4 tires at the curb for collection during Junk Waste months.  Collection crews will separate the tires from the Junk Waste. It may take up to a week before crews return and retrieve the tires.  Separating the tires from the rest of the Junk Waste  allows the SWMD to properly process tires.

Additional Information

“The Trash Facts” Newsletter (.pdf)

Placement Instructions

  • Tree Waste and Junk Waste should be placed adjacent to the front curb in a location easily accessible to the collection vehicle between the hours of 6:00 p.m. the Friday before and 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.
  • Tree Waste and Junk Waste should not be stacked under low overhead electrical wires or other cabling, signs, or mailboxes; next to fences or posts; or on top of water meters, gas meters, fire hydrants, or other exposed utility components.
  • Materials should not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk, or other right-of-way, or in any manner which would interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Tree Waste and Junk Waste collection is limited to occupied residential units and vacant residential lots only if the waste generated is in connection with the maintenance of the property.


  • No more than 8 cubic yards (about the size of a minivan) of Junk Waste or Tree Waste may be placed at the curb for collection.
  • A maximum of four cubic yards of building material (not to include roofing shingles, brick, plaster or concrete) generated by the resident in connection with the maintenance of the residential property may be collected by Solid Waste Management Department crews.
  • Appliances containing refrigerant must have a tag attached to them certifying a qualified technician has removed the refrigerant.
  • The SWMD is not allowed to collect any material that was generated by contractors who were retained by a resident to perform work on his or her residential property. It is the responsibility of the contractor to remove all debris that may arise from the contractor’s activities. These contractor-related activities include, but are not limited to: trimming and removal of trees, remodeling, new construction and roofing.
  • If authorized items placed for collection are mixed with unauthorized items, department personnel shall not be obligated to sort the materials and may refuse the entire load.
  • Solid Waste Management Department collection services are not available to multi-residential structures of more than eight units.

Beautification at Oak Meadow Park – Sat. 1/24


As you know the park was under construction and it has been completed.

They did not do a good job on the clean up so please join me on this forecasted Sunny Sat morning to sweep the sidewalk and curb of the park on Ahrens side.
WHEN: SAT – 1/24/15
I haven’t seen many of you help out the community so your assistance will be greatly appreciated!
Show your support and help improve your community!

Going Green at your Curbside!

I am very happy to announce: 

Going Green at your Curbside!

The SWMD operates two types of recycling collection services for participating areas of the City of Houston. Both programs allow residents to conveniently recycle at their curbside on a bi-weekly basis.

You will receive the new 96-gal Recycle cart.  Delivery of the carts starts Monday and will run through most of Feb. The first collection of the recyclable material will begin

March 2.   Our community has improved greatly; let us continue to work together for the better of the neighborhood.

Residents may place newspapers, magazines, telephone books, aluminum and tin cans, advertising mail, corrugated cardboard, plastic soft drink, milk and water containers together in the same bin. Each bin holds 18 gallons of recycling material and is itself made out of 25% recycled plastic and 75% virgin material.

Please let me know if I may be of further assistance! 

Beautification at the Park! Oct. 15 – 16, 2014

Thank you Volunteers/Residents for caring for your community!!

It was hard work tilling the volleyball court to remove the weed from the sandbox but with some assistance we were able to complete this project.  It took 2 days to complete; we started on Wed. and Thurs. 6pm – 8pm.  Volunteers brought their own tools and the civic club provided bottle water, bug spray and trash bags.  The park is for everyone’s enjoyment so lets continue to work together in maintaining the area for all.   Check out the “huge” difference with the Before and After pictures!!



Take a look; our community in action

photo 1 BEFORE (306 Christine)
photo 3
AFTER (306 Christine)

Community empowerment begins from within — today a group of volunteers set out to clean out this abandoned lot, and it turned out great. Take a moment to look at the pictures and notice the difference.

Ask not what your community can do for you, but what you can do for your community. Tomorrow the abandon lot cleaning will continue, please refer to our previous post for more information on how to sign up to help with this project.

Vacant Lot Clean Up

Good Evening, 

The Oak Meadows Civic Club will be voluntarily cleaning the abandoned lots located on the following addresses: 

1007 AHRENS 

One of the Civic Club’s duties is to look out for the physical appearance of our neighborhood, and they are doing this by taking the initiative to clean these abandoned lots. However, they cannot do it alone – WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. Mr. Sanchez has actively agreed to allows us to utilize his lawn mower, but please do not hesitate to bring your own (the faster that the lots can be mowed). If you are interested in volunteering or are in need of community service hours contact Michelle Miranda, our Civic Club president at 713-584-3532. We will be meeting at Ms. Miranda’s home (814 Ogilvie St. 
Houston, Tx. 77017) at 6p.m tomorrow to begin this project. 

p.s. The Oak Meadows Civic Club will provide gas/wires for your lawnmowers and weed eaters. 

Remember, the neighborhood is reflective of what its own residents put in.

Clean up Abandon lot






Volunteers gathered this morning with the mowing and weed-eating of the abandon lot located 1003 Ahrens Street.  All trash and glass beer bottles were collected.  Together we can keep our  community clean and free of debris.

Adopt a lot, park, sidewalk or curve!

Thank you for your support!