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Community Newsletter

Oak Meadows Park – Ribbon Cutting Event.

The link includes photos Before, Construction, Park design and Ribbon cutting event: (photos will be in the sub-folder called “Ribbon Cutting”) 

When using the photos, we kindly ask that this caption be used: “Photos Courtesy of Houston Parks Board, Anthony Rathbun Photographer”

OMCC Minutes July 18, 2023 Meeting

Mr. Gonzales called meeting to order at 6:48pm. Announcement was made of our guest speakers. Due to time restraints, Mr. Gonzalez made a motion to not have any old nor new business. R. Castro 2nd the motion.

Daria Glasscock with CM Martin’s office began. She announced how she took over Mark Mitchell’s place and handles issues on the south Side of Houston in Dist E. She has brought up the issue of a new traffic light on Allen Genoa at Ahrens to traffic and transportation. She also advised that our Park will be reopening in Sept, this year and has addressed the handicap issue stating all park playground equipment is handicap accessible. And that she will be speaking with getting access from the Christine and Ahrens side from the street over curb.

Constable Garcia advised that he has no major crimes to report and that his constables are available for calling if HPD is tied up on other calls. His constables are still patrolling our neighborhood for more visibility and assisting HPD on any illegal doings.  Commissioners court has approved an overtime program for 4 hours shifts when they are needed within Oak Meadows. They are able to supplement HPD’s Patrol Dispatch 713.477.4070.

Richard Nguyen with Solid Waste gave us a great example of what can be recycled and what cannot. We all need to be helping with making Houston a clean city and report illegal dumping. He is also a candidate for Council at large position 3. Please remember his name when voting comes around.

We welcomed Office Silva with HPD  20 yrs, now our DRT officer. He reported on stopping many 18 wheelers cutting thru OM, the many H/T violations and running of stop signs. In June he issued 36 tickets and in July he issued 27 tickets. Officer Silva provided his email address to those that would like to contact him on certain things they see going on that they may not want to do publicly. He advised people need to get cameras and especially the ring camera at front door. He also advised that a drug house within OM has been raided and homeowner arrested.

Our meeting then adjourned at 748pm.

Minutes were taken and prepared by R. Castro.

OMCC Minutes of 5.16.23 Meeting

Our meeting was called to order at 6.34pm by Pres., Jesus Gonzalez. Our meeting began with a prayer by JG and Hernan Arce recited prayer in Spanish.

Minutes were read by Secretary, RC and were accepted as read by Cathy Carnes. This was 2nd by Mr./Mrs. Giberson.

Treasury balance was given by Ms. Gonzalez with a beginning balance of $345.00. Expenses of $302.00 Added membership of $50.00 leaving a balance of $95.48.

JG then advised that there was no Old Business to discuss and introduced our guest speakers Mr. Paul Barnes, attorney for COH in Deed Restrictions Dept. and Mr. Byron King, for COH Code Enforcement Mgr. in Permits and/Building Projects.

New Business consisted of the OMCC website & our formed Architectural Review Committee, consisting of Mr. Sergio Mendoza, Mr. Paul Taveras & Mr. Hernan Arce. JG explained what the Architectural Review Committee is all about and that any new home additions must first go thru our committee to assist residents with receiving proper permits for all construction.

JG spoke of our newly formed Deed Restriction Committee introduced Ms. Cathy Carnes and acknowledged her Research Assistance helping the CC.

6:51pm Lt. Marco Leal with Constable’s office for 20 yrs. is in charge of evening shift over Patrol. Has 30 deputies and believes that they are here to serve the community. They listen to what the people need and provide services. Please learn about what suspicious activity is, so that you will use the proper wording when reporting this type of activity.

7:00pm Sgt. Tapia advised that overall non-violent activity has INCREASED consisting of theft of property, buildings, burglary of motor vehicles, fraud, and aggravated assaults along with sexual assaults. HPD is patrolling OM more along with the Constables assistance. Sgt. Tapia advised that school will be closing soon and HPD will be more visible during this time. Now we move onto ROAD RAGE incidents, this is happening more thru out Houston. Become aware of the Mental problems people are having. GUNFIRE is also on the rise in OM during night time hours. Sgt. Tapia took questions from those in attendance. He announced next PIP mtg will be on June 26 due to holiday on 6.19.   JG announced to all that Officer Silva has achieved 20 yrs. of service with HPD.

7:17pm Attorney Paul Barnes started off by stating that he cannot give legal advice on neighborhood services. He advised how some DR date ack to the 1920’s here in Houston and how strong the DR are to the community it houses. Houston does not have zoning, so when you purchase a home you are normally given a copy of the DR at that time.  Mr. Barnes went on to say that a Civic Association can enforce DR. Even a neighbor can file a complaint, or a lawsuit against. Civic Association in regards to fences can regulate height & what the fence is made of.  COH does not represent the civic associations or the property owners. 1) Report 2) COH will investigate           3) get the evidence    4) take action by sending letter.

7:43pm Byron King w/COH 33yrs began as an inspector and now has worked his way to the top position over building code enforcements. The permit assist in making sure the work is done correctly. All permitting can be done via computer. This began during COVID and is still going on. DR are a STRONG example as a STOP WORK issue. Relying on DR to make sure your neighbor hood stays good. The DR are very useful. Pls call in any work you see being done without a permit.

8:11pm Ms. Garcia took floor to explain about the OMCC website. Explained what all is going to be on the website to make it easier for residents to get information and be informed of what is going on.

We had 24 neighbors in attendance at this meeting and meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Minutes were taken and prepared by Rita S Castro.

OMCC Minutes September 19, 2023 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:48pm by VP Michelle Garcia. Question was put to audience if they wanted to hear minutes & Treasury report of previous last two (2A) meetings or go straight into hearing from Guest speakers. A vote was taken by hand and all approved going with guest speakers. Ms. Cathy Carnes seconded motion.

CM candidate Fred Flickinger was 1st to speak. He advised that our COH needs to be run more like a business and he has that experience. He went onto say that in every place he has spoken people are acknowledging that they have been forgotten with City Services by COH. Police and Firefighters both deserve decent pay and with COH they are not receiving it. He stated that COH has 14% more in tax dollars than it did 7 yrs ago. He went on to say that COH has no responsibility for Education yet they have on staff a director, Asst. Director and other staff being paid out of our tax dollars. Mr. Flickinger understands the need for infrastructure in our old neighborhood.

Also said that when he becomes CM for Dist. E that he will make sure our area is not forgotten and will hold meetings on our side of town.

Conchita Reyes running for at large Pos. 1 was raised and educated here in Houston. Has a degree in accounting. She along with other at large ofc holders would like to assist each CM District on requirements. She stated that she will not be YES person to the new Mayor and states how customer service, the budget and taxes are her specialty.

Erica McCuthcheon came on and stated how the COH Budget is and has not been balanced under this current Mayor. She is a Prop. A supporter which would allow 3 CM the opportunity to place an item on City Agenda for discussion and Vote. She supports affordable housing, Infrastructure Repair thru out COH, our Sea Port, Police and Fire Fighters.

Officer Angel Silva started off with how the CRIME stats have gone up. Burglary of cars and habitation, fraud all up. Spoke of how HPD arrest the Criminals yet Harris County keeps releasing them. Magnolia Eastside now has active gang units and specialized depts to assist other divisions. HPD made several arrests of prostitutes on Howard/Winkler and Hwy 45. Some as young as 14.

Constable Garcia began by stating that his guys will always supplement the short handed HPD on all crimes. He gave his dispatch # 713.477.4070 and advised after you have called it in to HPD, then call it into his dispatch. Our County Commissioners office only gave the Precinct 2 constable $400k to assist with costs inside Precinct 2. Constable Garcia has requested enough funding to hire 4 more deputies and received nothing from Comm. Adrian Garcia. Constable Garcia was able to achieve a No Trespass from TXDOT so he can keep our underpasses free of people staying overnight. He has requested 50K go to overtime for the deputies and always remember that they work for you.

Meeting Adjourned at 758pm. Rita made announcement that this was to be the last meeting of the Civic Club for the year of 2023.

These minutes were taken and prepared by Rita Snow.

Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale Now Open

  • Register Now for the 2023 Walk for Water Join Houston Public Works and our partner, Grundfos, in the fight against global water insecurity. The Walk for Water event spreads awareness for those worldwide without access to clean drinking water. The non-profit Water Mission receives 100% of the funds raised from the event to build safe water solutions in developing nations and disaster areas. Participants will carry a bucket and walk 1.5 miles along Buffalo Bayou to a water source, filling their bucket and then walking 1.5 miles back to the starting point (simulating the voyage that many people worldwide make to bring clean water back to their homes.) We walk so others don’t have to.   Register Here:
       When you register, select “Join a Team” and be sure to join the Houston Public Works Team!  
    Event Details:

    When: Saturday, October 14, 2023 between 10 AM – 12 PM
    Where: Allen’s Landing, 1005 Commerce St, Houston, TX 77002
    Registration fees: $25; registration includes an official event t-shirt   Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Sale Now Open Order your discounted rain barrel and/or compost bins by October 8. Then pick your items up on October 21 at the Houston Permitting Center (1002 Washington Ave. Houston, TX, 77002).

    For information and updates visit   Questions?
  • Email: WaterConservation@houstontx.govHouston Public Works – CAS Support4200 Leeland St., Houston, TX 77023Unsubscribe – Unsubscribe Preferences