Our meeting was called to order at 6.34pm by Pres., Jesus Gonzalez. Our meeting began with a prayer by JG and Hernan Arce recited prayer in Spanish.
Minutes were read by Secretary, RC and were accepted as read by Cathy Carnes. This was 2nd by Mr./Mrs. Giberson.
Treasury balance was given by Ms. Gonzalez with a beginning balance of $345.00. Expenses of $302.00 Added membership of $50.00 leaving a balance of $95.48.
JG then advised that there was no Old Business to discuss and introduced our guest speakers Mr. Paul Barnes, attorney for COH in Deed Restrictions Dept. and Mr. Byron King, for COH Code Enforcement Mgr. in Permits and/Building Projects.
New Business consisted of the OMCC website & our formed Architectural Review Committee, consisting of Mr. Sergio Mendoza, Mr. Paul Taveras & Mr. Hernan Arce. JG explained what the Architectural Review Committee is all about and that any new home additions must first go thru our committee to assist residents with receiving proper permits for all construction.
JG spoke of our newly formed Deed Restriction Committee introduced Ms. Cathy Carnes and acknowledged her Research Assistance helping the CC.
6:51pm Lt. Marco Leal with Constable’s office for 20 yrs. is in charge of evening shift over Patrol. Has 30 deputies and believes that they are here to serve the community. They listen to what the people need and provide services. Please learn about what suspicious activity is, so that you will use the proper wording when reporting this type of activity.
7:00pm Sgt. Tapia advised that overall non-violent activity has INCREASED consisting of theft of property, buildings, burglary of motor vehicles, fraud, and aggravated assaults along with sexual assaults. HPD is patrolling OM more along with the Constables assistance. Sgt. Tapia advised that school will be closing soon and HPD will be more visible during this time. Now we move onto ROAD RAGE incidents, this is happening more thru out Houston. Become aware of the Mental problems people are having. GUNFIRE is also on the rise in OM during night time hours. Sgt. Tapia took questions from those in attendance. He announced next PIP mtg will be on June 26 due to holiday on 6.19. JG announced to all that Officer Silva has achieved 20 yrs. of service with HPD.
7:17pm Attorney Paul Barnes started off by stating that he cannot give legal advice on neighborhood services. He advised how some DR date ack to the 1920’s here in Houston and how strong the DR are to the community it houses. Houston does not have zoning, so when you purchase a home you are normally given a copy of the DR at that time. Mr. Barnes went on to say that a Civic Association can enforce DR. Even a neighbor can file a complaint, or a lawsuit against. Civic Association in regards to fences can regulate height & what the fence is made of. COH does not represent the civic associations or the property owners. 1) Report 2) COH will investigate 3) get the evidence 4) take action by sending letter.
7:43pm Byron King w/COH 33yrs began as an inspector and now has worked his way to the top position over building code enforcements. The permit assist in making sure the work is done correctly. All permitting can be done via computer. This began during COVID and is still going on. DR are a STRONG example as a STOP WORK issue. Relying on DR to make sure your neighbor hood stays good. The DR are very useful. Pls call in any work you see being done without a permit.
8:11pm Ms. Garcia took floor to explain about the OMCC website. Explained what all is going to be on the website to make it easier for residents to get information and be informed of what is going on.
We had 24 neighbors in attendance at this meeting and meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.
Minutes were taken and prepared by Rita S Castro.