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Important Reminders

REMINDER: Falvey Street Storm Sewer Rehabilitation


November 17, 2024

Contact: Dustin Hodges (832) 393-3008

HOUSTON – Council Member Fred Flickinger would like to make residents aware that Houston Public Works will begin a drainage improvement project along Falvey St. and the intersection with Woodbine St. starting TOMORROW, Monday, November 18. The scope of work includes removing and replacing storm sewers, installing new inlets, removing and replacing sidewalks, and milling and overlaying the road. The project cost is $257,600 and is funded through Houston Public Works Dedicated Drainage & Street Renewal Fund (DDSRF).

The project is anticipated to be completed by Tuesday, March 18, 2025, weather permitting. Construction activities are expected to take place Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and contractors may work on weekends as needed.

As a result of the construction activities, please be aware of flagmen and orange traffic cones that will be put in place on-site to help with traffic flow through the construction zone as the project will require one lane closure. Two-way traffic will always be maintained. Businesses and residents will always have access to driveways and may experience increased noise levels due to trucks and equipment in the area. Impacts to water or sewer are not anticipated. Should a disruption need to occur, affected residents will be notified in advance.

For more information, please contact Council Member Flickinger’s office at (832) 393-3008 or

Oak Meadows Civic Club Meeting has been cancelled

Tuesday, June 18th

Time: 6:30pm

Location: 9045 Howard Iglesia Church

Topics to be discussed. 

1. JUNK in boxes, bagged up against and around homes, Junk Motor Vehicles, high grass, appliances in yard, etc 

2. WE need You to VOTE

3. Open Position for Secretary and Project Coordinator – open for nominations. 

Please mark your calendar and come meet our City official guest speakers!

OMCC Meeting Tonight!

Oak Meadows Civic Club Meeting

TONIGHT: Tuesday, April 16th

Time: 630pm

Location: 9045 Howard Iglesia Church

Guest Speakers:

Mark Mitchell & Dustin Hodges w/Councilman Member Flickinger office

HPD- Officer Silva and Constable Garcia 

Topics to be discussed: 

1. Replacement of the two (2) BBQ pits that were reported stolen back in March of 2023  

2. Replacement and location of our 4 tables that were removed during renovation? 

3. Any time line on the addition of handicap entrances? 

4. Update on the removal of the NO Left Turn signs and the possible traffic light? 

5. Crime increasing – break ins of homes & cars and the many gun shots being fired throughout neighborhood. 

6. Election of Officers that were nominated at last meeting.(opening for Secretary and Coordinator)

Looking forward to seeing you TONIGHT at this meeting. Thank you.

Report a Streetlight Outage
CenterPoint Energy maintains streetlights throughout District E and the City of Houston. If you notice a streetlight out in your area, please click on the link below to report a streetlight outage.You will be asked to provide:​​a pole number (or nearby address) for the non-functioning lights you want to reportcontact information (in case more information is needed to locate a streetlight)an e-mail address (if you want feedback regarding your repair request)the number of streetlights you would like to report​The system will guide you through the remaining steps. To report a streetlight outage using the interactive map, click here.Report general power outages by calling 713-207-2222 or toll-free 800-332-7143.


Esperamos que todos estén disfrutando de las últimas renovaciones del parque en las que el club cívico trabajó diligentemente en su nombre. ¡La junta del parque con la oficina del alcalde Turner junto con tantos patrocinadores lo hicieron posible para usted! Vemos a muchos de ustedes caminando por los senderos y a los niños jugando y andando en bicicleta. ¿A cuántos de ustedes les gusta el mirador?

Actualmente estamos trabajando en nuestro próximo proyecto, ¡el marcador del vecindario! Solicitamos dos, que estarán ubicados en la calle Ahrens/Allen Genoa y la calle Howard/Michael. ¡Unámonos para embellecer nuestra comunidad! ¡Necesitamos tu ayuda! ¡Por favor done cualquier cantidad que desee para ayudarnos a pagar los permisos y amablemente les pediremos a los patrocinadores que nos ayuden con el resto! No es barato de instalar. ¡Unámonos para obtener los permisos que necesitaremos!

Hasta ahora han donado los siguientes.

S. Martínez

A. Ponce


¡Nuestra meta es $500!

Si no es residente, infórmenos y lo eliminaremos de la lista de distribución. ¡Pido disculpas por las molestias!



Meeting Details:      Date:  Tuesday, Feb 20th       Time: 6:30 – 730 pm

Location:  9045 Howard Dr – Iglesia Church     Parking in rear of church

GUEST Speakers:

Councilmember Flickinger & Chief of Staff – Dustin Hodges will be attending.

Topics of discussion:  

1)  Handicap Entries to OM Park -they are waiting on Public works who already has all the permits to do the work – but they are still in the design of entryway. 

2)  Tables at OM Park – still in discussion with Parks Dept & legal over replacement issues

3)  Lights at OM Park – Don’t know if they have been repaired/replaced with LED fixtures to work dust to dawn and whether the lights have been turned to light up park instead of outside area

4)  Replacement of the two BBQ pits that were stolen from OM Park – Parks dept advised that they would come after renovation was completed.

5)  No Left Turn Sign – discussion still ongoing on removal of NO Left Turn signs and possible traffic light on Allen Genoa

HPD – Officer Angel Silva  & Constable Jerry Garcia  Discussing  – Crime in Area

Please mark your calendar so you can attend.  Look forward to seeing you.


Rita Snow