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Important Reminders

Community Annual Dues

Don’t forget to pay your $20.00 Annual Dues!

This pays for the following:

Printed Warning letters




Scheduled Meetings

Refreshments for all Meetings/Clean-Up Projects


Department of Neighborhoods Inspections & Public Services

The Department of Neighborhoods Inspections & Public Services (IPS) aims to defend and improve the quality of life of Houston neighborhoods through the active enforcement of city ordinances and the reduction of blight and substandard living conditions.
As a division of the Department of Neighborhoods, IPS enforces Chapter 10 related to the Code of Ordinances for:

  • Open and vacant buildings
  • Nuisances on private property
  • Junk motor vehicles
  • Weeded lots
  • Graffiti



Dept. of Neighborhood Image

Police and Clergy Alliance Citywide Town Hall Meeting

Police & Clergy Alliance Citywide Town Hall Meeting-
Parking is free for the citywide town hall meeting at Lakewood Church on January 26.
An invitation with the details of an upcoming meeting presented by the Police and Clergy Alliance (PACA).  Our friends at the HPD Eastside Station have invited us to this community town hall meeting.  Seating will be reserved for residents served by the Eastside Station.
The citywide meeting will be at Lakewood Church located at 3700 Southwest Freeway on January 26 from 10 am to 12 noon.
Please consider attending this informative meeting.






Parking Violations

Houston Police Department


Please be advised that HPD are issuing citations for illegal parking such as:
* Parked the wrong way of the street
* Parked over/on sidewalks
* Parked up against utility poles
* Parked to close to a stop sign
CITATIONS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ISSUED and they will continue if the illegal parking does not cease.
HPD are also looking into other reports such as the speeding, the park, school trafficing, etc… that have been generated in the community so please do not think it is just the parking.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Michelle Miranda – President

Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) Collection and Facility Schedule for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Department Blank Logo


Monday, January 21, 2013 (MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY)
CITY HOLIDAY: No collection services today. SWMD facilities closed. Neighborhood Depositories and Westpark Recycling Center closed.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday’s Garbage, Curbside Recycling, Yard Waste, 3rd Monday and 4th Tuesday’s Tree Waste collected today. Neighborhood Depositories closed. Westpark Recycling Center re-opens.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday’s Garbage, Curbside Recycling, Yard Waste and 4th Wednesday’s Tree Waste collected today. Neighborhood Depositories re-open.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Normal schedule resumes.
Residents may check online at for the 2013 Holiday Collection Schedule or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston’s Customer Service Hotline for information. To receive periodic emails from Mayor Annise D. Parker and the City of Houston on specific topics of interest, log onto and register with CitizensNet by clicking on the CitizensNet graphic.
The Solid Waste Management Department provides solid waste service to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost effective.

Police and Clergy Alliance (PACA) community town hall meeting

Houston Police Department


Our friends at the HPD Eastside Station have invited us to this  Police and Clergy Alliance (PACA) community town hall meeting. Seating will be reserved for residents served by the Eastside Station.  The citywide meeting will be at Lakewood Church located at 3700 Southwest Freeway on January 26 from 10 am to 12 noon.

Please consider attending this informative meeting.

Start off the Year of 2013

Good Morning Residents/Members:

I hope you had a wonder Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Now that the holidays have passed it is time again to bring awareness of what to expect that will be happening within the next few days. There have been gun shots in the area and it is not a holiday so the shots will need to stop or HPD will be notified of your street and the crossing street. If you have any questions please feel free to respond and I will reply in a timely manner.

These are the violations that will be ticketed and reported so please lets come together and clean our properties so that you will not be ticketed!

REMINDER : JANUARY is TREE WASTE – January 7, Monday

Department of Neighborhoods, IPS enforces Chapter 10 related to the Code of Ordinances for:
Open and vacant buildings
Nuisances on private property
Junk motor vehicles
Weeded lots
Bldg. Materials
Heavy Trash
Debri on curbs
Structural damage

Thank you!

Michelle Miranda – President

Heavy Trash Pick-Up Schedules Are Changing Effective November 1, 2012

Heavy Trash Pick-Up Schedules Are Changing
Effective November 1, 2012

Solid Waste Department LogoContinuing its efforts to maximize cost savings, provide efficient service delivery and engage in proactive customer service, the Solid Waste Management Department has taken your feedback and is improving your heavy trash (tree waste/junk waste) collection service.

Effective Thursday, November 1, 2012, the monthly heavy trash (tree waste/junk waste) pickup date for your neighborhood will change. Tree waste and junk waste collection will still occur in alternating months, odd-numbered months for tree waste (January, March, May, July, September and November) and even-numbered months for junk waste (February, April, June, August, October and December), but on the new heavy trash (tree waste/junk waste) pickup day designated for your neighborhood. Please note that collection day schedules for other Solid Waste services such as garbage, yard trimmings and recycling collection WILL NOT change.

The service date change aims to to achieve the following:

  • Less confusion with neighborhood collection schedules
  • A single service day for major community areas
  • Easier to read/interpret service maps for customers and 311 operators
  • Easier management of routes
  • Budget savings in fuel and maintenance
  • Greater availability for department support for community-based beautification projects

You will receive reminders by mail from the Solid Waste Management Department about your new heavy trash (tree waste/junk waste) pickup day. Remember, this change only affects your heavy trash (tree waste/junk waste) service day.

Thank you for your support as we continue to maximize your savings.

To see the improved service maps with your new neighborhood schedule collection date, For questions contact Sandra Jackson at

To learn more about solid waste services and recycling in the City of Houston,, on Facebook and on Twitter @houstontrash.

HPD “Citywide PIP Service Awards” meeting on Tuesday, November 13th

Please mark your calendar for the end of the year HPD “Citywide PIP Service Awards” meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7 PM located at 1602 State St. Houston, Texas 77007.

Homer V. Rodriguez, a longtime resident and big supporter of our Eastside PIP will be recognized. The Citywide PIP awards citizens and business groups from all PIP patrol divisions within the city of Houston. The criteria of the awards will be awarded based on pro-active crime prevention assistance to each divisional PIP group. Homer will be presented a certificate by the Chief of Police Charles A. McClelland, Jr.

If you are interested in attending this event to support Homer, please let me know. Officer Trejo will make arrangements to provide transportation from the Eastside Patrol Station for those interested. I’ll follow-up again the week before the event.

Thank you,
Ramiro Fonseca
Eastside PIP Chair

Remember to VOTE!

I would like to encourage everyone to vote early. It is looking like the polls will be extremely busy on Election Day – Tuesday, November 6. Let’s show Harris County that residents of the East End do vote!

Visit the Harris County Clerk office to confirm your voter registration status, early voting locations and times. You can also download and print a sample ballot for your precinct in which you reside. Click here to visit Harris County Clerk website

Polls are open for early voting as follows:

Saturday, October 27 – 7 am to 7 pm
Sunday, October 28 – 1 pm to 6 pm
Monday, October 29 – Friday, November 2 – 7 am to 7 pm

Tuesday, November 6 – 7 am to 7 pm

Please feel free to share this with your friends, family and neighbors. Encourage every registered voter to VOTE, the earlier the better.