A friendly reminder by HPD
- Keep the outside of your home well-lit with doors locked and window curtains closed.
- Don’t display gifts beneath the Christmas tree that can be seen from windows or doors.
- After the holidays, don’t advertise gifts received by the boxes left for trash collection. Destroy boxes and place in a sealed, non-clear bag.
- Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
- Shop with a friend; there is safety in numbers.
- Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
- Pay for purchases with a check, credit, or debit card.
- If possible, carry only your drivers license, personal checks, or necessary credit or debit cards.
- If you must carry a purse, do not wrap the straps around your arms or shoulders. You could risk injury from a would-be purse snatcher.
- Do not carry wallets in a back pocket.
- Be alert, criminals look for the “high dollar store” shopping bags with your purchases.
- Watch your purchases while eating in mall food courts.
- Don’t overburden yourself with too many packages.
- Have your car keys ready in hand before leaving the store.
- If you do return to your vehicle to unload packages and continue shopping, place your purchases in the trunk. Be observant of anyone watching, and if possible, move the vehicle to another parking space to deter a burglary of your vehicle.
- Try not to shop until the store closes. Remember, fewer people are present at this time.
- Shop early and leave early to avoid evening darkness.
- Park in high visibility for lighting in case you leave during the hours of darkness.
- DO NOT park next to a vehicle with dark tinted windows.
- Before shopping, lock all you valuables in the trunk prior to parking in the parking lot.
- Leave the store a group of people.
- Walk briskly, confidently, and directly through the parking lot.
- Watch for people who may be following you.
- Get an automatic timer for your lights.
- Ask a neighbor to watch your home, collect mail, park in the driveway, etc.
- Try to remember to have the mail and newspaper deliveries stopped.