Buy Nothing N. Phoenix/Scottsdale (Kierland/Mayo/Scottsdale Airpark) Public  Group | Facebook

We hope you all are enjoying the latest park renovations the civic club diligently worked on your behalf. The Park board with Mayor Turner office along with so many sponsors made it happen for you!! We see so many of you walking the trails and the kids playing and riding bikes. How many of you like the gazebo?

We are currently working on our next project, the neighborhood marker! We are requesting two, to be located on Ahrens street/Allen Genoa and Howard/Michael street. Let us come together to beautify our community!

We need your help! Please donate any amount of your wish to help us pay for the permits and we will kindly ask the sponsors to assist on the rest! It is not Cheap to install. Let us come together to get the permits we will need! 

So far the following have donated. 

S. Martinez

A. Ponce

M. Reyes 

Our goal is $500!

If you are not a resident please let us know and we will remove you from the distribution list. I apologize for the inconvenience!

You may visit us at


Kindest regards, 


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