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Sept. 13, 2014 – Civic Club Meeting



10:15am               Introduction by Pres. Michelle Miranda

Introduced all the officers present and Thank each one for their time and interest.

10:20am               TPC – Sara Cronin

TPC has been around since 1942 and has contributed 7 million dollars within our surrounding communities and OFA little league that is located within our neighborhood.

Sara Cronin then spoke of the C.A.E.R Line and informed the members that for any concerns they would have they can call the number and a recorded message is provided to all listeners.  A member asked if it were possible to have a call generated to call out a list of numbers and Sara said that it was being looked into as well.

10:40am               TPC Group -Robert Parnell

Spoke of the Phoenix Operation that begun in 2011 within the plant facility and explained in detail what is was about and how they have worked diligently with the HPD officials to survey and minimize the commute that begins in the morning and afternoons.  Hours of shuttle to begin at 6:50am-8:30am – 3:30-5:30pm.

11:00am               HPD – Jason Cisneros

Spoke about the burglaries and illegal parking in the area.  Members addressed their concerns and had questions. He also spoke about NNO and stated that we were part of the top 2 and that we are right along with Idlewood Community.  He thanked us on behalf of the department for our interest in being involved and alert with the crime in our area.

11:25 am              D.O.N – Pam Wiley

Spoke about Heavy Trash pickup and what it means when you see a yellow placard in the yard.  She informed us of how many times a violation can be ticketed and when it is reported and generated through the system she also attaches a photo to the file.

Members had time for Q & A


11:45am               Michelle – President  

Last meeting minutes were read and a vote was taken at the last meeting to amend the By-Laws and chairperson term and it has been voted to change the term to no expiration. As long as the chairperson is adequately providing the task necessary then he/she may continue for the best interest of the club and community. A chairperson can resign or be removed if they are not meeting the requirements necessary to fulfill their duties. Yvette Hernandez is interested in the Vice President position and introduced herself and members accepted her motion.

Treasure report was discussed and viewed where all the monies were going into. And also informed the bank has changed from Metro Bank to EastEnd Bank and they are now charging a $10 service fee. It also shows the expense to website and events. A vote was taken to continue to sponsor NNO with the entertainment and food with the members contributing all side dishes.  Everyone approved the expense of such an event. All in favor and approved by 32 members who were present. Halloween event was approved for continuing to participate at the park with booth rentals or they may bring their own tables and pass out candy there instead of the door knocking. Abandon lots were discussed and Luis, owner of the gym stated that he was able to get John Deer company to loan him a tractor to mow the empty lot located off of 1003 Ahrens.  I also thank the 5 members who have helped with the mowing and clean up that were done at 5 different addresses this summer.

Breakfast Tacos and coffee were served.  Meeting adjourned at 12Noom.

