Speaker: TPC – Air Monitoring


We had a great meeting! TPC Group Sara Cronin, Mark Garza, Robert Parnell and Michelle Pyner showed a presentation regarding their mission, their commitment to all surrounding neighbors, air quality, flaring and of the Phoenix project. It was both informative and educational for all residents involved.  TPC provided breakfast for us all and has provided several resources that can be helpful to us all.

Do you have several questions around air monitoring? Although some of you are aware of TCEQ, I think there are a few resources you may find interesting. 

I’ve included the links here:

·         Houston Regional Monitoring (http://hrm.radian.com/)

·         TCEQ’s Air Pollutant Watch List (http://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/air/apwl/apwl.html)

·         OnAir: Houston.Org (http://houstonairquality.com/)

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