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Month: March 2012

March’s Meeting Minutes

6:10 PM
Mayra started meeting.

Charlotte and Mr. Rivera motioned for meeting to start.

6:20 PM
Meeting notes were presented by Charlotte.
Mr. Rivera and Ramirez motioned on notes.
Just a note that Rita did not agree on the notes. (the nomination of offices)

6:27 PM Mr. Rivera presented the treasurer notes.
$215.61 Beginning Balance
46.98 Ending Balance

Charlotte & Ramirez motioned on notes

6:30 PM Mayra Presented Ms. Pam Wiley
Ms. Pam Wiley gave thanks to the community of the
clean up that was does at 1115 Auber and the also the
clean up that was done at the Park.

May is considered Demolition Derby.

There is a high weed ordinance in community . Ms. Wiley will
will be coming to see our community to report on any houses
that may be adanded and give out tickets for high grass/weeds
Also on vehicles that are considered abandon.

Ms. Wiley also explain to the community that when they do there
clean up they can go and dump the trash at the city dump site.
(old galvestion and Central)
4 dumps per month per house hold. (8 cubic feet max)
Just need to take a utility bill and drives license.

Ms. Wiley also explain on when the notice of High Grass/Weeds
is given a time period is given. That way you have time to correct the

Mayra also at this time presented Ms. Hypolite the Chief Inspector she
also gave Thanks to the Community for the Clean up that was done on
part of the community.
6:45 PM
Officer Commingham was Presented.
She Hoped that the community is doing better. Also explain that if there
is any non emergency problems you can call the in (713) 928-4600

6:53 PM Mayra presented Mrs. Maria Blanco from the Mayor’s office.
Mrs. Blanco communicated to the community that there will be
a meeting that that the public could attend to give there opinion on how
money should be spent on:
Houses, Youth Activities. And HIV testing/Care
at 6:00 pm on 04/04/12

Also that the city will be having a Forum for elderly people who need WILLS done for Free.
But you need to make an appointment at (713) 228-0735

Also there will be a Forum for the GOLD CARD Application at the Willow Creek Apartment
on 04/25/12

7:00 PM Mayra explained on the clean up that was done at the House and how the community
came together and that we should come together for other stuff and not just let it be
the same people who help. Also Mayra requested that the people that were there
can they please give the Civic Club there email address and any updated phone
Also Mayra explained that there will not be any Easter activities. That may be will can do
do something for the kids in the community at a later time.

Mayra asked for motioned to end the meeting.
Charlotte and Dona Tere motioned on it.
7:15 PM Meeting ended.